Nỗi khổ chỉ phiên dịch viên mới hiểu

đang dịch cho cuộc họp báo thì bị cú ị vào đầu :D

The poop went down in Brisbane, Australia Wednesday ... Deputy Premier Steven Miles was giving a speech about recent flooding as the sign language interpreter dutifully (nghiêm túc, đầy ý thức trách nhiệm) translated his comments, and then ...

The owl was super strategic ... waiting for just the right moment to descend from a tree and plop a giant dump on the interpreter.

It's hard not to laugh at the mess, but even funnier is how civilized the reaction is ... it's almost like someone spilled a drop of tea on someone's coat.

The interpreter removed his jacket and cleaned his face, and the press conference continued. No one was the wiser ... except the awesome (rất ấn tượng, tuyệt vời) owl!

Bài trước: Cô ấy có lý
Tags: funny

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