Rành rành định phận tại sách trời

tình dục khiến đàn ông sống lâu hơn, và cũng tốt cho phụ nữ... :)
Some of us are having it all the time while others are unfortunately (không may) experiencing a dry spell (thời gian dài không làm tình).

But many studies have examined the relationship (mối quan hệ) between sex and physical health (sức khỏe thể chất), and turns out sex is needed for a number of reasons.

In relationships it's a no-brainer (không cần động não) how important it is to connect with your partner, but little is known how vital it is for our overall health, mood and stress levels.

Sexual activity, with a partner or through masturbation (thủ dâm), can provide important psychological and emotional benefits (lợi ích tâm lý và tình cảm).

Like exercise, sex can help reduce stress and anxiety and increase happiness.

What are the health benefits of sex?
According to WebMD, surprising health benefits from having sex include:

Keeping immune system (hệ miễn dịch) strong
Boosting libido (sự hoạt động mạnh mẽ hoặc sự thôi thúc về tình cảm nhất là về tình dục; dục tình)
Helping with women’s bladder (bọng đái, bàng quang) control
Lowering blood pressure
Counting as exercise
Lowering heart attack risk
Lessening pain
May make prostate cancer (ung thư tuyến tiền liệt) less likely
Improving sleep
Easing stress

Bài trước: Oh yes
Tags: sex


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