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muốn khuôn viên trường học ko có nạn nhân, thì lại càng tăng giám sát mà thôi...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 305 of George Will’s 2021 book, American Happiness and Discontents: The Unruly Torrent, 2008-2020 – a collection of many of Will’s columns over these years; (the essay – now titled “Salutary Ludicrousness” – from which the quotation below is drawn originally appeared in the Washington Post on June 5th, 2014):

It is salutary (bổ ích, có lợi, có tác dụng tốt) that academia, with its adversarial stance toward limited government and cultural common sense, is making itself ludicrous (đáng cười, lố lăng, lố bịch). Academia is learning that its attempts to create victim-free (không nạn nhân) campuses – by making everyone hypersensitive (quá dễ xúc cảm, quá đa cảm), even delusional (ảo tưởng, ảo giác), about victimizations (sự bắt nạt, sự trù dập, trêu chọc) – brings increasing supervision (giám sát) by the regulatory state that progressivism (thuyết tiến bộ) celebrates.

Tags: economics

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