Phải làm gì khi toilet công cộng hết giấy vệ sinh?

luôn mang tiền theo chứ sao nữa... :)
Check your pockets

Let’s say you’ve wandered (đi thơ thẩn, lang thang; lạc đường, chệch đường) into some sort of Mad Max restroom (phòng vệ sinh) where there are no paper products at all—a wasteland of bacteria and shame. It’s time, then, to search for a hidden reservoir of paper on your person. Check your pockets and your wallet for anything—anything!—that could be used, such as:

Tissues. This one is pretty obvious, of course. If you have a pack of tissues in a coat pocket, your toilet experience won’t be so traumatic (gây chấn thương, gây khó chịu) after all.

Receipts. If you went to CVS right before you hit the loo (nhà vệ sinh), you are now in luck. Paper receipts aren’t ideal, but they can get the job done (làm tốt công việc). Sure, you might not be able to return those ill-advised impulse purchases, but you will have defeated entropy for one more day, and that’s not nothing.

Wrappers. Similarly, candy wrappers or other packaging that you’ve got in a bag or in your pocket may also provide a bit of emergency relief here.

Cash. OK, hear me out. Yes, that makes this the most expensive public restroom you’ve ever used, but wasting a few one-dollar bills might be worth it in this instance. If you don’t have any singles, you’re going to have to engage in a very serious conversation with yourself regarding the price of your dignity (phẩm giá, phẩm cách, lòng tự trọng).

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Tags: funny


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