Thủ tướng Shinzo Abe - người bền bỉ hiện đại hóa Nhật Bản

shared via New York Times,
A modernizer with staying power (sức chịu đựng, sức dẻo dai; sức bền bỉ; khả năng tiếp tục)

Shinzo Abe had sought to revive (làm tỉnh lại, hồi sinh) the country's stagnant economy (nền kinh tế đình trệ) and normalize its military (bình thường hóa quân đội). His tenure (nhiệm kỳ) as prime minister for nearly eight consecutive (liên tục) years was a remarkable feat (chiến công, kỳ tích) of longevity (tuổi thọ).

From 2012 to 2020, Abe helped pull Japan out of the so-called lost decades (thập kỷ mất mát) that followed the bursting of a huge property bubble (bong bóng bất động sản) in the 1980s. In a program (chương trình) known as Abenomics, he imposed measures (áp đặt các biện pháp) that involved cheap cash (tiền rẻ), government spending (chi tiêu chính phủ) on stimulus projects (các dự án kích cầu) and attempts at corporate deregulation (giải điều tiết tập đoàn).

Abe also sought to unfetter (tháo  gông cùm, mở xiềng, giải phóng) Japan's military after decades of post-World War II pacifism (chủ nghĩa hòa bình) and resisted calls for the country to more fully apologize for its wartime atrocities (sự tàn bạo thời chiến).

One significant move came in 2015, when he pushed through legislation (dự luật) that authorized overseas combat missions (quân chiến đấu hải ngoại) alongside allied troops (lực lượng đồng minh) in the name of "collective self-defense." (phòng vệ tập thể) The move (động thái) came after huge public protests (công chúng biểu tình) and a contentious (cà khịa, sinh sự, gây bất đồng) battle with opposition politicians (chính trị gia đối địch). But Abe failed in his long-held dream of revising the war-renouncing clause of Japan's Constitution.

The scion (con ông cháu cha (nhất là gia đình quý tộc); con dòng cháu giống) of a staunchly (đáng tin cậy, trunh thành; vững chắc, chắc chắn) nationalist family of politicians, Abe deployed considerable political skill to remain in a post known for its high turnover. He held the post of prime minister from 2006 to 2007 before making his second, long stint. In 2020, Abe resigned because of ill health during the pandemic (đại dịch), a year before his term was set to end.

Early life: Abe was born in Tokyo in 1954. His maternal grandfather (ông ngoại), Nobusuke Kishi, was accused of war crimes but never tried; he served as prime minister from 1957 to 1960. Abe's political future seemed preordained: He studied political science at Seikei University in Tokyo and spent a year at the University of Southern California, also studying political science.
Tags: japan

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