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"mặc như bò" khi bị cảnh sát ập vào bắt giữ ma túy...

on Friday, members of the Okeechobee County Sheriff’s Office Narcotics (ma túy, thuốc mê) Task Force (lực lượng đặc nhiệm) and the Special Response Team served a probable cause narcotics search warrant on a home in Okeechobee.

Methamphetamine, ammunition, and drug paraphernalia were located inside the home, leading to the arrests of Richard Anthony Bonnell, David Allen Lewis, Loren Johnston, Monique Rumsley, Karlie Lacey and Kimberly Stein.

Bonnell, charged (bị kết tội) with possession of ammunition (sở hữu vũ khí) by a convicted felon (trọng tội), among other charges, was taken into custody in the one-piece cow suit and a pink hat.

The sheriff’s office had the last laugh in their Facebook post, warning residents who want to deal drugs in their county to “consider MOOOOOO-ving.”

Tags: funny

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