Dạy tư duy phản biện ở trường phổ thông - việc khó cần làm!

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trích dẫn hôm nay… is from Thomas Sowell’s October 21st, 2002, letter to my late colleague Walter Williams, as this letter appears on page 315 of Sowell’s 2007 collection, A Man of Letters:

Turning out generation after generation of people who do not know what it is to weigh opposing arguments (cân nhắc luận điểm đối lập, phản biện) is producing intellectual couch potatoes who know only how to repeat whatever they have been indoctrinated (truyền bá, truyền thụ, truyền giáo, làm thấm nhuần) with. They are precisely the kind of gullible (ngờ nghệch, cả tin) people that the Nazis targeted in their years of struggle for power. I think it was Jefferson who said that freedom and ignorance cannot co-exist indefinitely. (Jefferson nói tự do và sự ngu dốt không thể cùng tồn tại mãi mãi)

Tags: economics

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