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nhà SX lớn nhất thế giới Huy Fong dự đoán sẽ thiếu tương ớt Sriracha nghiêm trọng...

“Unfortunately (không may), we can confirm that there is an unprecedented (chưa từng có tiền lệ) shortage of our products,” the company said in a statement, according to CNN. “We are still endeavoring to resolve this issue (nỗ lực giải quyết vấn đề) that has been caused by several spiraling events, including unexpected crop failure from the spring chili harvest.”

Chili peppers, used to make the famous asian hot sauce, have consistently been in short supply since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, CNN said. But Huy Fong warned in April that an even more severe (khắc nghiệt) shortage of the peppers was taking place due to severe weather conditions (điều kiện khí hậu) affecting the quality of the peppers and that the situation is “out of our control.” (ngoài tầm kiểm soát)

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