Uống bia: Tốt hay không tốt?

cứ mỗi ngày một cốc là tốt, đừng có quá như 'tam cốc' là ko được... :)

Beer may join red wine among vices (thói hư, tệ nạn) with a healthy edge, as a new study revealed that a lager a day, whether alcoholic or not, could help keep the gastroenterologist (người nghiên cứu dạ dày-ruột() away — for men, at least.

The findings, published in the American Chemical Society’s Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, showed that men who drank one lager each day had a more diverse (đa dạng) colony of healthy gut microbes, compared to measurements taken before their daily beer regimen.

Previous studies have shown that a more robust gut microbiome — the bacteria, viruses and fungi that live there — leads to a lowered risk of developing certain chronic issues, such as heart disease and diabetes. Humans are packed with trillions of microorganisms in the gastrointestinal tract (ống, bó) alone, which serves many biological functions, including immune  (miễn dịch) defense.

Bài trước: Ham hố quá
Tags: beer


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