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nếu nói một nhóm người nào đó bị trả lương thấp (một cách có hệ thống) -> tức là 'ở đó có lợi nhuận cao bất thường'...
trích dẫn hôm nay… is from page 113 of Thomas Sowell’s superb 1984 book, Civil Rights: Rhetoric or Reality?:

From an economic point of view (góc nhìn kinh tế học), to say that any group is systematically (một cách có hệ thống) underpaid or systematically denied (bị từ chối) as much credit as they deserve is the same as saying that an opportunity (cơ hội) for unusually high profit (lợi nhuận cao bất thường) exists for anyone who will hire them or lend to them.

DBx: This point, at once so obvious (hiển nhiên), is obviously overlooked in too many cases. How many are the professors (giáo sư), pundits (chuyên gia), preachers (thuyết giáo, giảng đạo), and politicians (chính trị gia) who insist (khăng khăng, nhất quyết) that women as a group are underpaid (trả thấp)? That blacks as a group are underpaid? That low-wage workers as a group are underpaid? That CEOs as a group are over-paid? That minorities (thiểu số) as a group are denied adequate (không đủ) access to credit (tiếp cận tín dụng)? Some of the people who so insist even claim to have empirical data to support their insistence. Yet almost none of these people act with their own resources on their words, despite in each case being able to personally profit from the alleged market imperfection.

Instead, people who assert that members of some group are systematically underpaid (or overpaid) issue their assertions as a means of prodding government to intervene by, say, imposing minimum-wage (lương tối thiểu) requirements (or caps on the incomes of employees who are allegedly overpaid). People who make such assertions, and who offer such policies, systematically fail to put their own money where their mouths are. This fact alone is sufficient to discredit the assertions issued by such people.

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Tags: economics

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