Lướt web vô định

đừng thế, đi bộ còn hơn...

Aimless (vô mục đích) clicking (nhập chuột)

Wandering (lang thang vô định) around in a digital swamp (đầm lầy số) is a pretty common way to spend an hour these days.

Alas, most of us would never consider doing this in a forest. Walking over to a tree because it looked sort of interesting, standing there for a minute, then wandering away. Tree after tree, for hours.

The thing is, the digital wandering is mostly a waste. It doesn’t free our imagination (sức tưởng tượng), it stifles (làm ngột ngạt, khó thở; đàn áp, kiềm chế; dập tắt) it. It’s as if this digital version of a tree has making us stressed out as a goal…

The next time we consider wasting an afternoon clicking on whatever baits us, perhaps it might make sense going for a walk instead.

Tags: skill

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