Nữ vương Elizabeth II qua đời

hiện thân của chủ nghĩa đế quốc Anh, kiến trúc sư của chủ nghĩa thực dân,

nước Úc sẽ (trưng cầu dân ý) trở thành nền cộng hòa, ra khỏi khối thịnh vượng chung dưới thời vua Charles III...

...Indigenous (thổ dân, người bản địa) Australia’s relationship to the Queen and crown (quân vương) is complex (phức tạp). While some remembered Elizabeth fondly (trìu mến, âu yếm), for others she was the embodiment (hiện thân của) of the British imperialism (chủ nghĩa đế quốc) that dispossessed (truất quyền sở hữu, tước quyền chiếm hữu) their people of their land.

Wiradjuri academic Prof Sandy O’Sullivan, from Macquarie University, wrote: “For those saying we should be magnanimous (hào hiệp, cao thượng) about the passing (sự kết thúc, sự chết) of the Queen (nữ hoàng), a reminder that the Queen inserted herself into the lives of Indigenous people here multiple times. She wasn’t a bystander (người ngoài cuộc, người bàng quan) to the effects of colonisation (thực dân hóa) and colonialism (chủ nghĩa thực dân), she was an architect (kiến trúc sư) of it.

...The newly elected government has also flagged that it wants to hold a referendum (trưng cầu dân ý) in the next term of parliament (quốc hội) on whether Australia should become a republic (nền cộng hòa), jettisoning (vứt bỏ) its formal connection to the monarchy (quân chủ), though Albanese said on Sunday that “now is not a time to talk about our system of government”.

The death of Elizabeth II has reanimated (làm sống lại) that debate (cuộc thảo luận), and brought the timeline into sharper focus.

...Australia carries some sentiment for the new King Charles. He spent a semester of his schooling at Geelong Grammar’s Timbertop campus in the rugged foothills of Victoria’s alps.

And, at one point, he was keen to become Australia’s governor general, an idea unpopular with both the country’s population and his mother.

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