
cầu gãy đôi khi quan chức đang cắt băng khánh thành, ở congo... :D

Just as an organiser cut the ribbon at the ceremony (nghi lễ) in Kinshasa's Mont-Ngafula district, the bridge buckled (oằn, làm oằn), both its handrails (tay vịn, lan can) broke off, and the central section slumped (hạ nhanh, sụt thình lình) into the stream (suối) a couple of metres below.

Spectators (người xem, khán giả) shouted in apparent glee (niềm hân hoan, niềm vui sướng) as the VIPs struggled to get off the crumpled wreck. Nobody was reported to have been hurt in the incident (vụ việc).

One of the last people to climb free was a man in military fatigues and dark glasses who was clutching an unopened bottle of champagne, other footage shared widely on social media showed.

Tags: funny


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