Nhà vệ sinh bẩn nhất thế giới ở đâu?

ở Tajikistan nhé...

A man has spanned 91 nations and 75,000 miles in a marvelous (kỳ lạ, kỳ diệu, tuyệt diệu, phi thường) quest (sự truy tìm, sự truy lùng, sự lục soát) of finding the world’s worst public toilet — dubbed “the perfect hell hole.”

Travel writer Graham Askey — whose friends call him the “king of porcelain” — found the preposterous (hoàn toàn trái với lý lẽ thường, vô lý hết sức, phi lý, ngược đời; ngớ ngẩn, lố bịch) potty in the former Soviet republic of Tajikistan and it is not for the faint of heart (kẻ yếu tim), SWNS reported.

A dilapidated (đổ nát, xiêu vẹo, ọp ẹp (nhà); sứt càng gãy gọng (đồ đạc); xác xơ (quần áo...)), horrid (kinh khủng, kinh khiếp, dễ sợ)-looking 5-foot wooden stall that’s moated (xây hào bao quanh) by sun-dried poo in the nation’s northern region of Ayni is the “most repellent (làm khó chịu, kinh tởm, làm ghê tởm) thing of all,” according to Askey.

Loo users need be on the lookout for crossing paths with deadly snakes (rắn) and disgusting (làm ghê tởm, làm kinh tởm) rats (chuột) who have made their homes in the rock bedding beneath the stall of shame.

People apparently use its concealing (giấu) tapestry for toilet paper and locals don’t dare set foot inside unless they’re “absolutely desperate.”

Tags: funny


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