Đừng đùa

bị rắn cắn, em bé 2 tuổi ở làng kantar, thổ nhĩ kỳ cắn lại rắn đến chết...

The toddler (đứa bé chỉ mới biết đi), who is from the village of Kantar, near Bingol, Turkey, was bitten on August 10. According to media reports, her neighbors heard her screaming (la hét, gào thét) as the snake attacked her in her backyard (sân sau).

When they reached her, they found her with a bite mark on her lip, and a 20-inch snake between her teeth. The snake later died from the toddler's revenge bite, while the 2-year-old was taken to Bingol Maternity and Children's Hospital to treat her injuries. After 24 hours under observation, she was recovering well.

Due to their smaller body mass, children are much more vulnerable (dễ bị tổn thương) to the venomous (nọc độc) effects of snake bites compared to adults, according to the WHO. Snake venom, depending on the species of snake, either contains neurotoxins that interfere with nerve impulses, or hemotoxins proteins that interfere with blood clotting. The effects of a bite can therefore include paralysis (chứng liệt), hemorrhage (sự chảy máu, sự xuất huyết), organ failure and tissue damage.

Tags: kid

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