Lon bia để ở đâu ý nhỉ?

các nhà khoa học nói uống bia mỗi tối sẽ... giảm nguy cơ mắc bệnh 'mất trí nhớ'...

Australian researchers studied the drinking habits (thói quen uống bia) and dementia rates among 25,000 over-60s.

Results showed people who drank the equivalent (tương đương) of two pints a day were a third less likely to get the memory-robbing condition than teetotalers (người bài rượu, người chống uống rượu; người kiêng rượu hoàn toàn)

Non-drinkers faced the highest threat, according to the results. They were roughly a fifth more likely to be struck down with dementia than the biggest boozers, who got through at least three pints a night.

The researchers said their findings show that abstaining (kiêng khem) from alcohol seems to carry no protective benefits against dementia.

However, experts noted that while moderate alcohol consumption may stave off the cruel disorder, excessive drinking is dangerous.

Bài trước: Cơn gió lạ
Tags: beer


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