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bức ảnh mới chụp tuần này của nasa cho thấy ông Mặt trời cười rạng rỡ :D

A photo of the sun taken from a NASA satellite and time-stamped Thursday morning appears to show a smile on the surface (bề mặt) of our nearest star (ngôi sao gần nhất).

It's not the first time this week the cheerful pattern appeared.

"Today, NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (đài quan sát) caught the sun 'smiling,'" NASA said in a Wednesday tweet. "Seen in ultraviolet light, these dark patches on the sun are known as coronal holes and are regions where fast solar wind gushes out into space."

According to, the sun is spewing a triple stream of solar wind toward Earth. This could produce auroras (nữ thần Rạng đông; ánh hồng lúc bình minh, ánh ban mai (trên bầu trời); cực quang) here on Earth as early as Saturday, the website said.

Tags: science


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