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để chứng tỏ cam kết ủng hộ mạnh mẽ lao động tình dục, ứng cử viên hạ viện bang new york tung đoạn phim sex 14 phút ... :D

Mike Itkis, who is running for New York's 12th Congressional District, this week released the tape of his sexual encounter with porn star (ngôi sao phim khiêu dâm) Nicole Sage. The long-shot candidate told City & State that the undertaking was a "huge learning experience, and it actually influenced (ảnh hưởng) items on my platform (cương lĩnh, bản tuyên ngôn).”

Itkis, who has described himself as "sex-positive" and a champion (người ủng hộ/bênh vực) of prostitutes (gái điếm), said that merely speaking in favor of sex work (lao động tình dục) "wouldn’t demonstrate my commitment to the issue."

“I’m kind of a nerd who doesn’t like to be the center of attention if I can avoid it," Itkis claimed. "But I thought the issues I’m trying to address are so important."

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Tags: sex


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