Chống biến đổi khí hậu kiểu đại gia

thụy sĩ chi tiền lắp đặt chiếu sáng hiệu quả và lò sạch hơn cho năm triệu hộ dân ở ghana để giảm phát thải khí nhà kính -> khi đạt được mục tiêu thì ghi công cho thụy sĩ (chứ ko phải ghana)
Switzerland, one of the world’s richest nations, has an ambitious climate goal (mục tiêu chống biến đổi khí hậu tham vọng): It promises to cut its greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030.

But the Swiss don’t intend to reduce emissions by that much within their own borders. Instead, the European country is dipping into its sizable coffers (két bạc) to pay poorer nations, like Ghana or Dominica, to reduce emissions (giảm phát thải) there — and give Switzerland credit for it.

Here is an example of how it would work: Switzerland is paying to install efficient lighting and cleaner stoves in up to five million households in Ghana; these installations would help households move away from burning wood for cooking and rein in greenhouse gas emissions.

Then Switzerland, not Ghana, will get to count those emissions reductions as progress toward its climate goals.

Bài trước: Hồi đó khác
Tags: economics

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