Theo sau chùa Ba Vàng hết

ở china có dự án đưa 1.000 chùa lên chung một nền tảng online...

Deep in a dense (dày đặc) forest (rừng) in the mountains (núi), we walked on the same gravel (sỏi cuội) road tread on by generations of villagers searching for herbal medicine and mushrooms. At the heart of Mount Wutai in Shanxi province, Master Lan’s temple was under construction (xây dựng) in Huyin Valley (thung lũng). It remained little known to the outside world.

I followed Master Lan and asked him if he was interested in combining Buddhism with the internet. Holding the drone, he looked at me and smiled, but didn’t say anything for a long time. Still, I could see the pride on his face.

At that time, I was working on a project to build a Buddhist social media platform (nền tảng mạng xã hội) that aimed to connect with temples across the country. The slogan was “One thousand temples on one platform to offer blessings to all.”

Mount Wutai was our first stop. It is one of the four sacred Buddhist mountains in China with a long history and it serves as the abode of Manjusri Bodhisattva. The mountain saw its first temple in 68 A.D., and was home to around 300 temples and over 5,000 monks in the 8th to 9th century.

Tags: china

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