Các anh cẩn thận còn bị kẹp nữa đấy

thuốc tránh thai với hợp chất từ tôm hùm, có thể cản 98% tinh trùng xâm nhập tử cung... :D

Scientists with Sweden's Karolinska Institute developed a vaginal gel (thuốc bôi âm hộ) using tiny, fibrous (có sợi, có thớ, có xơ) compounds called chitosans, which are found in the exoskeletons of sea creatures and shrimp (tôm) and crabs (cua).

Once applied, the gel, which lasts for several hours, reinforces the cervical mucus (màng nhầy) barrier to prevent pregnancy (có thai) without the side effects caused by traditional birth control options that are 91 to 99 percent effective.

Unlike current contraceptives, the team said their innovation does not cause the unwanted side effects that sometimes deter women from using such treatments.

...Thomas Crouzier, a biomaterials engineer at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden and co-author of the new study, said in a statement: 'Vaginal gels like this can be applied in seconds.

Tags: sex


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