Trên Tiktok thì có gì nghiêm túc

bác sĩ tiết niệu Teresa Irwin chia sẻ trên Tiktok rằng hãy... ngừng đái khi tắm, vì nếu thế sẽ dạy não thành thói quen... cứ nghe tiếng nước chảy là buồn đái :D

Urogynaecologist (bác sĩ tiết niệu) Dr Teresa Irwin took to her TikTok to share her expertise (chuyên môn) on the matter, stating that although it will empty the bladder (bàng quang) correctly while standing up, peeing in the shower also trains your brain to relieve yourself every time you hear the water running (nước chảy).

"You don't want to do it all the time because what happens is every time you hear the sound of water, your bladder is going to want to pee - because it's used to hearing the sound of the water in the shower," she said in the video.

"So whenever you're washing your hands (rửa tay), washing the dishes (rửa bát), your bladder is going to be salivating (tiết nước bọt, chảy nước miếng), so to speak, because it wants to go and pee."

Fellow Dr Alicia Jeffrey-Thomas, a Boston-based pelvic floor therapist, shared Dr Irwin's sentiments and spoke on the threatening side effects that can occur when peeing while standing up under a flow of water.

Bài trước: Cần chút nhân văn
Tags: health


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