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eva kaili - phó chủ tịch nghị viên châu âu bị bắt vì tình nghi nhận hối lộ, rửa tiền...
The European Parliament removed Greek MEP Eva Kaili as a vice president of the assembly on Tuesday after she was accused (bị cáo buộc) of accepting bribes (nhận hối lộ) from Qatar in one of the biggest corruption (hối lộ) scandals to hit Brussels.

Kaili has denied any wrongdoing, but European lawmakers (nhà lập pháp) have acted rapidly to isolate (cách ly) her, worrying that the Belgian investigation will badly dent the assembly's efforts to present itself as a sound moral compass (kim chỉ nam đạo đức) in a troubled world (thế giới rối ren).

"There will be no sweeping under the carpet (giấu bụi dưới thảm). Our internal investigation (điều tra nội bộ) will look at what has happened and how our systems can be made more watertight,"

Kaili, who is in Belgian police detention, was one of 14 vice presidents in the parliament.

Belgian prosecutors charged her and three Italians at the weekend with taking part in a criminal organisation, money laundering (rửa tiền) and corruption.

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