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Female snakes have clitorises (âm vật), scientists have detailed (nêu chi tiết) for the first time in a study of the animal’s sex organs (bộ phận sinh dục).

The scientists say previous research had mistaken the organs as scent glands (tuyến mùi hơi) or underdeveloped versions of penises (dương vật), in a study that criticised the comparatively limited research into female sex organs.

In a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, the researchers found that snakes have two individual clitorises – hemiclitores – separated by tissue and hidden by skin on the underside of the tail (đuôi).

“Female genitalia (bộ phận sinh dục ngoài) are conspicuously (dễ thấy, rõ ràng, đập ngay vào mắt, lồ lộ) overlooked in comparison to their male counterparts, limiting our understanding of sexual reproduction across vertebrate lineages,” the study’s authors wrote.

Male snakes and lizards are known to have hemipenes – a pair of penises which are everted outside the body during reproduction. In many species, hemipenes are covered in spines (cột sống) or hooks.

Tags: sciencesex


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