Công nhận dễ thở hơn

bé trai 13 tuổi ở ấn độ được bác sĩ... lấy cá ra khỏi mũi... :)

According to AOL.com, the 13-year-old jumped into a well (giếng) near his home on Nov. 10 and a small fish swam up his left nostril (lỗ mũi).

When he arrived at the clinic (phòng khám), the boy was in great pain and people could see small movement inside the nostril.

In a video that went viral, a doctor is seen using tweezers to slowly remove the mucus-covered fish from the boy’s nostril as his head is being held still.

While the video makes it seem like the fish was removed quickly, the procedure (thủ thuật) actually took approximately (xấp xỉ, khoảng) 30 minutes.

Tags: healthindia


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