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cựu tổng thống Nga Medvedev nói thủ tướng Nhật Bản nên... mổ bụng tự sát khi thúc giục Nga không được sử dụng vũ khí hạt nhân... 


The former (cựu, nguyên) Russian president (tổng thống) suggested (gợi ý) on Saturday that the Japanese prime minister should disembowel (mổ bụng, rạch bụng) himself in an act known as hara-kiri for urging Moscow not to use its nuclear weapons (vũ khí hạt nhân).

It was the latest in a long line of shocking and provocative (khiêu khích, trêu chọc) statements (tuyên bố) from Dmitry Medvedev, who was once seen as a Western-leaning reformer (người cải tổ) but has reinvented himself since Russia invaded (xâm lược) Ukraine last year.

He was responding to a meeting on Friday between Fumio Kishida and Joe Biden, after which the two leaders issued a joint statement saying: "We state unequivocally (không lập lờ, không mập mờ, không rõ ràng) that any use of a nuclear weapon by Russia in Ukraine would be an act of hostility (hành động thù địch) against humanity (chống lại loài người) and unjustifiable (không thể biện minh, không thể lý giải) in any way."

...Mr Medvedev said the statement showed "paranoia" (hoang tưởng) towards Russia and "betrayed (phản bội) the memory (ký ức) of hundreds of thousands of Japanese who were burned in the nuclear fire of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" - a reference (tham chiếu) to the atomic (nguyên tử) bombs the US dropped on Japan at the end of the Second World War (thế chiến 2).

He said Mr Kishida had shown he was "just a service attendant for the Americans", and that such shame could only be washed away by committing seppuku - a form of suicide by disembowelment, also known as hara-kiri.

Bài trước: Thừa tiền mua chơi

Tags: ukraine

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