Tương lai dạng dỡ

chim lợn bằng kỹ thuật sinh học có thể là thuốc chữa trị rối loạn cương dương trong tương lai...

A study on young male pigs found that an injured or ailing sexual organ can become, and remain, erect after being treated with an artificial sheath (bao, vỏ) to ensure engorgement (sự ứ máu).

An estimated 50 per cent of men between the ages of 40 and 70 experience some form of erectile dysfunction, the researchers said, and about five per cent suffer from Peyronie's disease.

Peyronie's disease, commonly caused by injury during sex, involves damage (tổn thương) to the fibrous (có sợi, có thớ) sheath of penile tissue, known as the tunica albuginea (rách bao trắng tinh hoàn), which maintains an erection.

"This is an area that has received little attention, yet the related need is huge," said Dr Xuetao Shi, a study author from the South China University of Technology.

Penises have a tunica albuginea which ensures blood remains in the organ and prevents it draining out of the penis and back into the rest of the body. When this is weakened, by age or injury, the blood does not remain where desired and performance and endurance are reduced.

The research group created an artificial tunica albuginea (ATA) to mimic the function of a natural one by replicating the elastic properties.

Bài trước: Ai dám lộn xộn
Tags: healthsex


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