"Let that sink in" nghĩa là gì?

Photo by Noah Buscher

"Let that sink in" = hãy để điều đó ngấm -> nghĩa là thật ngẫm để có thể hiểu trọn vẹn/đầy đủ.

Ví dụ
When Elon Musk walked into Twitter’s offices on 26 October carrying a sink, one day before he bought the platform for $44bn (£38bn), it was the first sign that the tale of his ownership would not be a conventional (quy ước, tục lệ) one. “Let that sink in!” he tweeted. For everyone swept up in what followed – from thousands of Twitter employees to advertisers and critical journalists – it certainly has now.

As many know, on Christmas Day, a woman was found dead in a tent in front of the Families in Transition homeless shelter. Any death is tragic (bi kịch), but this is also ironic because the death happened in front of a homeless shelter…let that sink in…in front of the homeless shelter. In their defense, the shelter is full, as are shelters throughout the state, but there is a fenced-in courtyard (sân trong) on the shelter property where a greenhouse used to sit.

Zomato recently took to Instagram to share a post featuring highlights of 2022. The post also had a meme on Elon Mask carrying a sink at Twitter's headquarters (trụ sở). “Let that sink in,” the text read. Wait, it doesn't end here. The report went on to share a picture of Ronaldo and Messi with a bowl of biryani at the centre. “Biryani proved to be the GOAT this year too,” Zomato wrote. For the unversed, the Zomato report revealed that biryani continued ruling hearts in 2022 with 186 orders of it delivered every minute.

Ka Tina

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