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loài cá mập này có thể nhịn sex tới 100 tuổi... :)


Scientists are closing in on more answers about this strange (lạ lùng) animal.

Where does the Greenland shark (cá mập) have sex after living for 100 to 150 years?

Does mating happen in a very special (đặc biệt) place in Lofoten in Northern Norway? Or does it happen somewhere far out in the Atlantic Ocean south of Iceland?

Where does it give birth to its offspring?

Two million Greenland sharks have been caught. But only once has anyone come across this shark with a baby in its belly (bụng).

...But the fact that the Greenland shark may live as long as 400 years is no small thing to have discovered, according to the researcher.

“This shark’s lifespan (vòng đời) is a solid record among vertebrates (động vật có xương sống).”

...Sharks appeared (xuất hiện) around 450 million years ago.

They originated long before dinosaurs (khủng long) started roaming the Earth or trees began to grow.

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Tags: sciencesex

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