Có uống vì sức khỏe đâu

với những người chạy bộ, đạp xe và tập gym, bia ko độ mang lại thành tích, hồi phục và sức khỏe hơn...


For many people who run, cycle or work out often, beer drinking and exercising are almost inextricably entwined. But for performance, recovery and health, nonalcoholic beer is likely to be a much better choice and can even be as good as or better than regular sports drinks.

Research shows that fit, active people can imbibe plentiful amounts of alcohol. A 2022 study, aptly titled "Fit and Tipsy?", determined that men and women with relatively high aerobic fitness were more than twice as likely to be moderate or heavy drinkers as those who were in worse shape.

There are many reasons for this swigging. Exercise enjoys a health halo, justifying, for some of us, insalubrious (độc, có hại cho sức khỏe) habits. The social nature of working out also often leads to bar visits after a bike ride or yoga class.

"Beer is used to socialize postexercise, celebrate sport victory, and commiserate postdefeat," 

Bài trước: Lỗi của ai đó chứ không phải lỗi của tôi

Tags: beer

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