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nhiều tờ báo dừng đăng truyện tranh Dilbert sau khi tác giả Scott Adams phát ngôn phân biệt chủng tộc...

The creator, Scott Adams, who was behind the widely syndicated comic strip that mocks (chế giễu) office culture, was widely rebuked (khiển trách, quở trách) for his comments by newspapers that had printed his work for years.

The USA Today Network, which publishes more than 200 newspapers, said it “will no longer publish the ‘Dilbert’ comic due to the recent discriminatory (phân biệt đối xử) comments by its creator.”

...In that show on Saturday, he defended his remarks. He said that he was wrongly being canceled, that “you should absolutely be racist (phân biệt chủng tộc) whenever it’s to your advantage” and that any change in society is a “racist change,” including changing the tax codes (mã số thuế).

He also appeared to be reckoning with the rapid fallout, saying that “most of my income will be gone by next week” and that “my reputation for the rest of my life is destroyed.”

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