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lợn rừng chạy lang thang trong trường gây thương tích, và bảo vệ đã giết nó bằng giáo...
Commenters surprised to learn that city keeps melee weapon on hand.

Once upon a time, in the mountains of Kanagawa Prefecture, a wild boar (lợn rừng) came down from the forest into the town of Hadano. The creature began to run amuck (như điên cuồng), charging at the townspeople and causing injuries. Attempts to subdue the beast were unsuccessful, until eventually one man, who had pledged to protect the town, slew the boar with his spear (cái giáo, cái mác, cái thương).

And oh, the time upon which this incident happened was just a few days ago.

On Thursday morning, a male boar appeared at one of the entrances to the Aeon Hadano shopping center, where it charged at an 83-year-old woman who suffered injuries to her head from falling to the ground as she tried to dodge the attack. The boar then made its way about 200 meters (656 feet) down the street, where it attacked a man in his 30s, leaving him with wounds to his left leg.

The boar was next seen running around the athletic field of Suehiro Elementary School, roughly 400 meters away from the shopping center. It was still there when city animal control employees arrived on the scene, and they first attempted to incapacitate (làm mất hết khả năng, làm mất hết năng lực, làm thành bất lực) the boar using a prod that delivers electric shocks. This had little effect, though, as the boar, estimated at 120 centimeters (47.2 inches) long and 80 kilograms (176 pounds) in weight, brushed the apparatus back and charged multiple times at the animal control staff. It was then that Masahiro Iwata, deputy chief of Hadano’s Agricultural Promotion Division, stabbed the boar with a spear with a 150-centimeter shaft and 24-centimter bladed head, killing it.

Bài trước: Sẽ là thảm họa
Tags: japan

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