Và chúng chẳng ấn tượng lắm đâu

nghiên cứu của đại học Kyoto cho thấy chó cái có thể đánh giá chủ: ai giỏi hơn (nhất là khi mang thức ăn)...
You're not imagining it when your dog gives you those side-eyes, as studies show dogs are capable of judging human competency (năng lực).

The experiment consisted of two humans opening containers with food inside, one struggling (vất vả) to open the container and one opening it with ease.

It was found that while male dogs had no preference, female dogs observed the two humans for a long time before finally approaching the competent person.

...said the study's lead author, Hitomi Chijiiwa.

Tags: japanscience

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