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nghịch dại thì có,

cây thông noel ở trung tâm nước anh được trang trí với các quả bóng chứa máu, nước tiểu và tinh dịch...

Blood, urine and semen are not commonly associated with the most wonderful time of the year, but the "gross" decorations have been used as part of a shocking new exhibition.

Displayed in Grimsby, the set of disgusting baubles also comes with a "deconstructed Christmas dinner" that hopes to shock many but also give people a "bit of a giggle".

Dale Wells and Darren Neave have put up the not-so traditional festive items, with Dale saying: "Those hollow plastic baubles that you see cropping up everywhere that people fill with glitter and that kind of thing - they scream for something to be done with them."

Bài trước: Lời khuyên chí lý
Tags: funny

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