
nhân viên thành phố Fuji, quận Shizuoka săn lùng khỉ lang thang, thì bắn nhầm phụ nữ bằng mũi tên chứa thuốc an thần...

On Monday afternoon, residents of Fuji City, Shizuoka Prefecture, reported seeing a monkey that had wandered (đi lang thang) into the area near Fujikawa Station. In response, city hall dispatched three municipal employees and one contracted specialist, armed with tranquilizer (thuốc an thần) rifles (súng trường), to subdue (chinh phục, khuất phục, đánh bại) the animal.

The four monkey hunters arrived at the station shortly before 3 p.m. and summoned a woman who had seen the monkey so that she could supply them with more information. It seems that her report was cut short, though, because while she was still at the scene she herself was shot by a tranquilizer dart, causing her to lose consciousness.

The type of dart she was shot with is roughly 150 millimeters (5.9 inches) in length with a 30-millimeter tip.

Bài trước: Tin sốt dẻo
Tags: japan

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