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nam thanh niên nhật bản đánh bạc qua mạng gần hết số tiền 360 ngàn đô la cứu trợ covid của cả thị trấn do cán bộ chuyển nhầm vào tài khoản cá nhân...

Now the 24-year-old has been arrested, police said Thursday, after admitting having spent most of the money that was intended as pandemic relief (cứu trợ vì đại dịch) for low-income households (hộ gia đình có thu nhập thấp).

Taguchi, an unemployed resident of the town of Abu in western Japan, is being held on suspicion of computer fraud.

The case has caused a stir beyond the small town, drawing media attention and outrage.

The funds were Covid-19 subsidies that were deposited into Taguchi's bank account in April. Each of the 463 low-income households in Abu, which has a population of just 3,372, was supposed to receive $780.

But a town official mistakenly submitted a single transfer request of the total amount to Taguchi, whose name was the first on the list of recipients.

Tags: japan

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