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nghiên cứu mới cho thấy chuột uống nhiều Coca-cola thì nam tính hơn và tinh hoàn to hơn...

Research on mice showed adult males who drank Coca-Cola or Pepsi had higher testosterone levels and larger genitals (bộ phận sinh dục ngoài) than their peers.

Experts are not suggesting that men should rush out and drink lots of Coca-Cola or Pepsi. Previous studies have linked sugary sodas to a host of health problems including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and tooth decay.

Experts from the Northwest Minzu University in China set out to show that sugary sodas were bad for male fertility.

They cited previous research which showed that carbonated drinks had negative effects on female ovaries (buồng trứng).

Tags: sciencesex

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