Thuật toán rởm quá

nhà hàng số 1 Montreal trên TripAdvisor thật ra ko tồn tại...


Yoo Jeung has been running Le Spot St-Denis, at the corner of Duluth Avenue and St-Denis Street for 22 years. Her flower shop is supposedly right next to the top-rated restaurant in Montreal on Tripadvisor, Le Nouveau Duluth, but she says she's never heard of it.

She says she knows the area very well and tourists often ask her for directions to restaurants.

"But Nouveau Duluth? No," she said — and something about the online listing seemed off to her.

"There's a very high ceiling [in the photos]," she said. "On Duluth there are no high ceilings ... it looks fake."

The restaurant was at the number one spot in the travel app's city ratings, but one look at its listing was enough to give pause to foodies.

Le Nouveau Duluth does not exist but the ease with which it rose to the top of a travel advice site is a clear example of how easy it is to create buzz with no substance behind it — and what challenges real restaurants face getting noticed in the algorithm.

Bài trước: Nói giá thì sẽ đổi ý ngay

Tags: funny

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