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em gái ở Michigan phát hiện ra kẻ bắt nạt trên mạng chính là mẹ mình...


A teenage girl who suffered from cyberbullying discovered that the anonymous troll behind hate messages she received over the past year was...her own mother!

Kendra Gayle Licari, from Michigan, abused her daughter online using juvenile slang to keep herself from being identified. She was arrested last month after a year-long investigation, to which FBI experts were called in to help search for the bully.

Even though Licari used a VPN (virtual private network) to disguise the source of the messages and spiced up her messages with juvenile slang to make them look like they were written by a boy or girl, detectives were eventually able to connect the messages to Licari.

...Bill City School Superintendent William Chilman said the 42-year-old Licari was a basketball coach at her daughter's school at the time of her actions. Licari was arraigned on Monday, December 12 - and released on $5,000 bail.

Using a computer to commit a crime is a felony in the US, with a potential sentence of up to 10 years in prison.

Tags: parenting

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