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When Roe v. Wade was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court, and Florida banned abortions (phá thai) after 15 weeks, she did not think it would affect her.

“Never thought I would be stuck right in the middle of it…” she said.

At her 23-week appointment, she said her obstetrician (bác sĩ khoa sản) noticed an abnormality (dị tật). It was confirmed a week later by a maternal-fetal medicine doctor. Her baby had “Potter syndrome.” (hội chứng Potter: không có thận, hội chứng thiểu ối, loạn sản phổi và các dị tật ở chi và ở mặt)

Dorbert’s pediatrician (bác sĩ khoa nhi), Dr. David Berger, explained to Nexstar’s WFLA that the fetus is not developing kidneys or making amniotic fluid (nước ối). Without amniotic fluid, the baby’s lungs will not develop correctly.

“I’m in a lot of pain and discomfort,” said Dorbert.

Doctors do not expect babies with Potter syndrome to survive longer than a few hours after birth.

The diagnosis led to a decision Dorbert, a mother of one, never thought she would make. She wanted to terminate the pregnancy.

Bài trước: Chỉ khổ sinh viên
Tags: health

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