Ngu vãi

nhà sản xuất đồ chơi Tama-Kyu ở Nhật Bản bán đồng hồ "ngu nhất thế giới", chẳng chỉ giờ, chẳng đo nhịp tim v.v... (ko phải là đồng hồ) chỉ là trông đèm đẹp ở cổ tay mà thôi...
Smartwatch manufacturers are constantly trying to one-up each other with feature-rich devices, but one Japanese company prides itself on making the world’s dumbest smartwatch.

The Stone Watch is not a smartwatch, it’s just designed to look like one. Created by Japanese capsule toy maker Tama-Kyu, the low-tech accessory doesn’t even tell time, let alone feature advanced tech like heart rate measurement (đo nhịp tim), or smartphone connectivity. It doesn’t even have a display, it’s just a glossy, black piece of plastic with a silicone band that does nothing but look nice on your wrist (cổ tay).

Tama-Kyu recently announced the Stone Watch as the latest addition to its impressive lineup of capsule toys available at Gachapon locations all over Japan. The bands come in five different colors, and the announced price is 400 yen ($3).

Tags: japan

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