Còn có vật nhanh hơn ở quốc lộ 5 đấy

nắp hố ga là vật nhanh nhất từng được phóng lên không gian, trong vụ thử bom hạt nhân...

I honestly pictured something akin to the exploding manhole covers that terrify NYC residents

It wasn't like that. This manhole cover was shot into space with a nuclear bomb (bom hạt nhân).

Robert Brownlee, an astrophysicist (nhà vật lý học thiên thể) who designed the nuclear test (thử nghiệm) in question, told Insider the unbelievable story in 2016, before he died at the age of 94 in 2018.

Brownlee refuted the non-believers and asserted that yes, it likely was the fastest object that humankind ever launched.

Here's how Brownlee says history was made.

From 1945 until 1992, the US detonated 1,054 nuclear bombs in tests.
Tags: science

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