Đếch quan tâm

bạn có biết, một người trung bình có bao nhiêu nước bọt trong đời?

bằng cả một bể bơi nhé, gần 20.500 lít,
Have you ever wondered how much saliva you produce in an hour? How about a day, or a year? Hey, let’s go all in, how about in the average lifetime? Well, the answer is pretty surprising.

On a normal day, the average person produces between 0.5 and 1.5 liters of saliva (nước bọt) – that’s more than a pint of milk. So, if we take a low average of say 0.7 liters per day, then that equals around 255.5 liters of saliva a year. Over an average lifetime of about 80 years, that comes to about 20,440 liters. That would be the equivalent of a small swimming pool full of saliva. That’s a lot of spit, but it is produced by our bodies for good reasons.

Saliva is a complex biofluid that plays numerous important roles in your mouth. For instance, it contains the enzyme amylase (men phân giải tinh bột) which breaks down starch (tinh bột), provides calcium and phosphate to help remineralize tooth enamel, and it’s a key gatekeeper in the defense against pathogenic microorganisms that enter your body through the oral cavity.

Saliva mostly consists of water (99 percent) and a mix of proteins, electrolytes, and digestive enzymes (1 percent).

It is produced by various glands, three major and numerous minor ones, located in your mouth. The three major glands – the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands – contribute 90 percent of the total saliva produced, while the remaining 10 percent is secreted (tiết ra) by the minor ones.

Tags: science

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