Thủ phạm khiến mọi người đổ xô rút tiền khỏi Silicon Valley Bank?

là Peter Thiel nhé,

quỹ Founders' Fund của ông ta rút hàng triệu usd, sau đó còn gọi các cty mà quỹ ông ta góp vốn, khuyên rút tiền ra...

Let’s start with the self-fulfilling prophecy. Technically, you don’t need any real fundamental reason for a bank run to get started — all you need is for a critical mass of people to worry that a critical mass of people is about to pull their money out. The SVB run started when Peter Thiel’s VC firm, Founders’ Fund, advised its portfolio companies to pull their money out of SVB. Matt Levine suggests that because startups tend to follow the pronouncements of top VCs en masse, just one call like this can start a stampede:

Also, I am sorry to be rude, but…nobody on Earth is more of a herd animal than Silicon Valley venture capitalists…if all of your depositors are startups with the same handful of venture capitalists on their boards, and all those venture capitalists are competing with each other to Add Value and Be Influencers and Do The Current Thing by calling all their portfolio companies to say “hey, did you hear, everyone’s taking money out of Silicon Valley Bank, you should too,” then all of your depositors will take their money out at the same time.

So there are going to be some people who just blame Thiel and a couple other VCs for the run. And maybe they’re right — maybe Thiel was just spooked by the collapse of the crypto bank Silvergate a couple days ago, or maybe he had something against SVB, or maybe he just woke up in a poopy mood.
Tags: finance

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