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nhà dịch tễ học nổi tiếng người anh tim spector nói uống bao nhiêu loại vang đỏ cũng được, càng nhiều càng tốt...

It’s the news you want to hear on hump day: red wine is good for you – as long as you drink as many different varieties as possible.

Leading British scientist, renowned epidemiologist Professor Tim Spector, said we should aim to drink ‘thousands’ of different types.

This all works to improve our health, he said, as trying a wide range of grape varieties can boost our immune system, fight diseases, and even improve mental health.

Drinking wine early as an aperitif rather than late on in a meal is also beneficial,

However, don’t get it twisted – consuming more than half a bottle has a negative impact on health, the 64-year-old said, so this isn’t a go-ahead to binge drink.
Tags: beer

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