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6 nhà khoa học nuốt viên lego để xem bao lâu thì... ị được ra ngoài... :D
Six scientists swallowed Lego figure heads in order to find out how long it takes to poop (đi ị, đi ỉa) them out. I’m just happy to see that science is finally willing to tackle (giải quyết) the big questions (câu hỏi lớn), to be honest.

Yep, while it may sound like a joke (chuyện đùa) - paediatric (khoa nhi) health care professionals really did purposefully ingest the small Lego heads for a study titled: Everything is awesome: Don't forget the Lego.

The incredibly serious and super important study, that was published in the Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, used two scoring systems: Stool Hardness and Transit, or SHAT, and Found and Retrieved Time, or FART.

Honestly, that is what they were called. The SHAT score was actually split into two a pre-SHAT score, which logged the normal bowel habits of the researchers, and a post-SHAT score that was logged after that Lego head was swallowed. The pre and post SHAT scores were then compared and data gathered.

Meanwhile, the FART score was a little more grim - if you can imagine - and required the participants to sift through their poop in the days following the swallowing in the hopes of finding a little yellow head.

Bài trước: Quan tâm chứ
Tags: science

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