"To little purpose" nghĩa là gì?

"To little purpose" có purpose là mục đích -> từ này nghĩa là không giúp ích nhiều, vô dụng.

Ví dụ
As Burton says, “I have read many Bookes, but to little purpose, for want of good method (phương pháp), I have confusedly tumbled over divers Authors in our Libraries, with small profit, for want of Art, Order, Memory, Judgment.”

I am returning to the beginning of the story. To my mind, the idea that gathering wool (len) from thorns and bushes “necessitated (đòi hỏi) much wandering to little purpose,” as The Century Dictionary tentatively put it, cannot be substantiated: the wandering was “goal-oriented” and needed a lot of attention.

As soon as I saw this, I ordered the boats to lay upon their oars in order to speak to them but this was to little purpose for neither us nor Tupaia could understand one word they said.

One trouble with the striking gesture is that people often get hurt, usually to little purpose. Hungarians who believed in Dulles’s promise to “roll back” Communism rose up against their Soviet occupiers (người chiếm giữ) in 1956. But nothing rolled, except Soviet tanks into Budapest.

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