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ở Lyon, bắt đầu từ ngày 9/7 các bạn nhé...

MacLYON, the museum of contemporary art (bảo tàng nghệ thuật đương đại) in Lyon, will feature Incarnations (hiện thân, hóa thân, kiếp người) a two-part series that focuses on the presence of the body in the collection’s works.

Once stripped down, visitors can enjoy the 90-minute session on Thursday that aims to move away from 17th-century French philosopher Rene Descartes’ defining statement, “I think, therefore I am,” (tôi tư duy, nên tôi tồn tại)

Instead, the works intend to raise questions about bodies in a specific space and see how bodies interact with each other.

“It’s interesting to experience an exhibition totally naked,” Frederic Martin, the branch chairman, added.

“That makes us focus on our own perception of ourselves, with a social artifice (tài khéo léo, kỹ xảo).”

He added that naturists (người theo chủ nghĩa tự nhiên) tend to stay out of view so as “not to cause panic (hoảng sợ) in politer society. But now we are coming out from behind our ramparts to say that the philosophy (triết lý) is doing very well.”

The works on display, some of which dates back to the ‘60s, present the body in its physical truth, a way of experimenting with oneself and the world.

The first act of the body series runs until July 9.

Tags: sex


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