Bạn đã làm gì cho Tổ quốc hôm nay?

tài khoản kẻ mua thiết bị bay ko người lái cho quân đội nga đã bị hacker ukraine trả về lượng 'đồ chơi tình dục' trị giá 25.000 đô la...:)
Ukrainian activists are getting cocky with the Kremlin.

The Kiber Sprotyv (Cyber Resistance) group pulled off a ballsy stunt with Russian war volunteer Mikhail Luchin, 34, who has been collecting money to buy drones for the military,

The members said they hacked Luchin’s account with Chinese-run AliExpress and exchanged his order of $25,000 worth of unmanned aerial vehicles for dildos.

“He is a war criminal, volunteer, blogger and now dildo owner,” the hacktivists said in a statement on Telegram, where they posted screenshots of their large order of prosthetic penises.

They said Luchin has been sent a “unique” collection of “dicks” with the money he had been “planning to spend on drones for the Russian army.”
Tags: sexukraine


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