"No harm, no foul" nghĩa là gì?

"No harm, no foul" = không có hại, không có lỗi -> nghĩa là không có tổn thất, hậu quả nào phát sinh vì mắc lỗi, sai lầm. 

Ví dụ
A top state attorney (người thụ ủy) seeking a six-month suspension (đình chỉ) of Alex Jones' lawyer Norm Pattis over the improper sharing of Sandy Hook families’ medical records has rejected Pattis’ “no harm, no foul” defense as the disciplinary case moves to a hearing next week.

Reynolds, who is a retired West Allis police sergeant, told investigators (điều tra viên) that he habitually (đều đặn) viewed child pornography and as long as he stops viewing it, then it is, “no harm, no foul,” according to a criminal complaint.

The complaint says the 73-year-old told investigators if he stops looking at the images then it was "no harm, no foul."

"They may say no harm, no foul. We say harm and foul," coalition (liên hiệp) president Geoff LeBoutillier told CBC News.

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